a new book to be published in the Fall of 1964-an important addition to the already select group of books from ONE's Publications Division which explore the world of the homosexual, namely: Game of Fools, 1955, Homosexuals Today, 1956, The Keval, 1959.


is a chilling, sensitive autobiography by Geoffrey Neilsen, who with absolute honesty and humility tells the story of his arrest and imprisonment, his loss of job and home and future, as the result of a homosexual act with another consenting adult behind locked doors.

Through his frankness and vividness, the author reveals himself as a pathetic victim-not only of antiquated laws, but mostly of his own human frailty.

Concerning his "crime" Mr. Neilson makes this comment: "If the sexual act involves adults, and if these adults consent, and if they perform their act in private, and if the worst that can be said is that such a sex act offends the sense of morals or propriety-then how is that act a crime? Does the crime not lie rather in the restriction of these individuals, freedom?"


is a perceptive, unswerving indictment of the attempt of societies to legislate morals. It is a magnificent story on many levels, and it reads like a novel. On whatever level you may choose to share the author's experience, you will find this, truly, an astonishing book.

ORDER YOUR COPY of Crime Against Nature TODAY.

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